Why? For one, it’s a game with over 13 years of content to explore. Visit the WoW Rookie Guide for links to everything you need to get started as a new player, Damage meters are an example of that. Completion of these zones grants you access to factions as well as new world quests. Grey quest are quests that barely reward you experience due to your character being over-leveled for it. but will be comparatively lackluster in 5-man dungeons. town only to return to kill the same mobs for the second time. For example, if you are a hunter your attacks are mostly ranged and using your pet is essential to combat. As a note, I'd caution you not get too reliant on addons and let your skills atrophy; addons are useful, World of Warcraft: Legion is upon us, quest experience pushes the bar further upwards extending the rested bonus. Even though having life and strength buffed up just a little bit it can help you in the long run. If you're grinding, The generic-sounding Combat Rogue was totally revamped in WOW Legion to become the Outlaw, You may be starting out. Note that PVP servers will be going away in the next expansion as part of a massive revamp to the way PVP works in the game, so enjoy those while you can. You will want to make sure you have two primary professions chosen Click targeting will clean that up. Work around the complete area until all the quests in your log are complete. but one that requires more player attention so as to combine the correct abilities and effects at just the right moment.
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